101 Ely Blvd South

Petaluma, CA 94954 - Sonoma County

(707) 769-3300

About Us:

Springfield Place is an independent living and assisted living senior community located in Petaluma, CA. Located in the heart of historic Petaluma, our community is the perfect blend of historical significance and modern day living. We are progressive in our approach to senior care, valuing the individuality and independence of each resident while also encouraging a strong sense of community and engagement in our dynamic social calendar. Residents enjoy developing lasting relationships with each other while planning trips to the nearby waterfront or shopping at eclectic boutiques downtown. At Springfield Place, we are proud to offer a continuum of senior services, allowing residents and their families to thrive in retirement.


About Springfield Place:

Springfield Place is an independent living and assisted living senior community located in Petaluma, CA. Located in the heart of historic Petaluma, our community is the perfect blend of historical significance and modern day living. We are progressive in our approach to senior care, valuing the individuality and independence of each resident while also encouraging a strong sense of community and engagement in our dynamic social calendar. Residents enjoy developing lasting relationships with each other while planning trips to the nearby waterfront or shopping at eclectic boutiques downtown. At Springfield Place, we are proud to offer a continuum of senior services, allowing residents and their families to thrive in retirement.

Category: Rest & Retirement Homes


Business Hours:

Sunday: Open 24 hours
Monday: Open 24 hours
Tuesday: Open 24 hours
Wednesday: Open 24 hours
Thursday: Open 24 hours
Friday: Open 24 hours
Saturday: Open 24 hours
Holiday: Closed
Map & Directions:
Suggest a Tag:
  • Country Living
  • Dressing
  • Elderly
  • Extended Care
  • Geriatric Services
  • Independent Living
  • Private
  • Private Pay
  • Skilled Nursing

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